The Synodontis Lace Catfish or Synodontis nigrita is species of upside down catfish spread across northern Africa. This is a mid-sized
Synodontis catfish species reaching approximately four inches in length. S. nigrita is found across a wide range including Senegal, Ethiopia, Ghana, Cameroon and Uganda. This catfish does well with African cichlids and is relatively peaceful but may become territorial when older. The lace catfish is widespread throughout Central Africa and is
listed on the IUCN red list of endangered species but assessed as least concern.
Synodontis nigrita do well on prepared foods; they will accept flakes and sinking catfish pellets as well as freeze dried foods. In the wild they omnivores and consume insects, worms and mosquito larvae. Their appearance is very attractive, their dark grayish coloration with black spotting along the body and fins creates the appearance of lace or lace like which accounts for their nickname the lace Synodontis. Mostly a nocturnal species it’s not uncommon for them to hide in caves during the day. This species and thrive over a pH of 6.0 to 7.6 with temperatures between 70 to 78 degrees.