Platies are a fantastic livebearer tropical fish perfect for a community tank. These fish come in many colors or varieties such as panda platies, red wag platy, red Mickey Mouse platies, bumblebee platies, and blue coral platies. To keep platy fish happy its best to keep fewer males together. So one strategy is to keep one male with three or more females. Keeping a harem model works well because males will fight with each other. Platies are known to make good neighbors with
swordtails and larger tetra fish like Red Serpaes. The life span of play fish can range up to five years and these tropical fish can reach some three inches in length. It would not be uncommon if they lived longer and possibly grew a little bit larger. Platies will eat aquarium prepared foods like flakes and freeze dried items like blood worms and shrimps. Platys are also available with variations in their finnage, so you can find both regular and hi fin platies for sale online.