Tateurndina ocellicauda the Peacock gudgeon or Peacock goby, is a tropical freshwater species of sleeper goby endemic to the eastern part of Papua New Guinea.Tank Mates: Fellow good mixers include dwarf gouramis, sparkling gouramis, honey gouramis, white clouds, featherfin rainbows, kuhli loaches, glassfish, killifish, otocinclus, red cherry shrimp, ghost shrimp, and other mini-fishes. Breeding Tips: Condition your breeders in separate tanks for best results. Provide 1-inch diameter PVC tubes three-inches long with a cap on one end. Face the openings to the front for easy observation. Breeding Activity: The male takes over the tube he prefers, then coaxes a cute female inside for a brief romantic interlude. After she produces the eggs, he’ll chase her off and care for the eggs.