Fundulopanchax amieti a beautiful lyretail fish
Finally we obatined again Amiet´s Lyretail. Fundulopanchax (formerly: Aphyosemion) amieti is a beautiful, peaceful, and easy to keep lyretail. Our fish are German bred ones.
A Lower Guinea endemic, found in the Mangombe and Ngombe River systems, which are tributaries of the larger Sanaga and Dibamba River drainage basins, respectively. All known populations, except one, are from the area to the north of the Sanaga River in southwestern Cameroon.
Fundulopanchax (Paraphyosemion) amieti occurs in the swampy parts of brooks in the rainforest (Wildekamp et al. 1986). It is usually found in shallows It is a benthopelagic, non-migratory species. Fundulopanchax (Paraphyosemion) amieti is not a seasonal killifish. It is a bottom spawner with 1 month incubation. This species is difficult to maintain in aquarium (Huber 1966).
The species is threatened by oil palm plantations. It is potentially threatened by the Sunda Gorge dam on the lower Nyong River, the construction of which was started before the war and it is unknown if the construction will recommence (pers. comm., Mamonekene, V.).
For our customers: the fish have code 304404 on our stock list. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.